Teresa Dalla Costa

Principal investigator at the Pharmacokinetics and PK/PD Modeling Laboratory from Federal University of Rio grande do Sul. Her research focus on antimicrobials tissue distribution following infection, PK alterations due to drug´s nanoencapsulation and PK investigation of NCE. Published over 145 scientific papers and advised more than 40 graduate students. Brazilian Coordinator of the Iberoamerican Pharmacometrics Network – RedIF, and Executive Director of SBFTE (2021-2023).

Pre-clinical pharmacokinetic investigation of NCE in Brazilian Universities

Although more than 100 Brazilian academic research groups use the key-word “medicinal chemistry” to identify their research focus at the CNPq’s Research Groups Directory, less than 10 groups point “pharmacokinetics of new chemical entities” as their focus, and only four of those conduct in vivo pre-clinical studies. The lack of qualified professionals with expertise in DMPK resulting from this gap in academic training produces important consequences for the formation of radical innovation teams at the local pharmaceutical industry. The presentation will show the current scenario of pre-clinical pharmacokinetics investigation in Brazilian universities, pointing challenges and discussing possible solutions.

Come have a lunch with us and meet two ACS editors in another edition of ACS on Campus: Lori Ferrins – Topic Editor, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry; and Carolina Horta – Associate Editor, ACS Omega. The event will be part of 11th BrazMedChem and 9th BCNP programs. We will discuss valuable tips on how to prepare your manuscript in an efffective way as well as what our editors expect about an impactful paper. In addition, we will talk about Open Access and its impact on the visibility and democratization of scientific knowledge. The ACS on Campus will be held on Oct 25 at 12 PM (local time). All attendees will recieve a lunch box and a certificate. Register here: cvent.me/4K1qLP #ACSonCampus