Dr. Fausto Carnevale Neto

Dr. Fausto is a senior scientist at Hexagon Bio, Natural Product Chemistry, focused on combining large-scale metabolomics measurements and orthogonal compound identification tools to accelerate the discovery of new therapeutically-relevant secondary metabolites encoded in the global metagenome of fungi. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine (2018-2023) and a research scientist at the Northwest Metabolomics Research Center (NWMRC), developing tandem MS-based metabolomics workflows combined with network analysis for insights into phenotypic changes, molecular assignment, and biomarker discovery.

Come have a lunch with us and meet two ACS editors in another edition of ACS on Campus: Lori Ferrins – Topic Editor, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry; and Carolina Horta – Associate Editor, ACS Omega. The event will be part of 11th BrazMedChem and 9th BCNP programs. We will discuss valuable tips on how to prepare your manuscript in an efffective way as well as what our editors expect about an impactful paper. In addition, we will talk about Open Access and its impact on the visibility and democratization of scientific knowledge. The ACS on Campus will be held on Oct 25 at 12 PM (local time). All attendees will recieve a lunch box and a certificate. Register here: cvent.me/4K1qLP #ACSonCampus