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Minicurso – As aulas serão ministradas em português

Inovação em fármacos no ambiente acadêmico com foco na otimização molecular

Resumo: A capacidade transformadora da inovação em gerar novos produtos e processos é a forca motriz do desenvolvimento e estímulo à pesquisa. No ambiente acadêmico a inovação, por meio de parcerias com ambiente corporativo, tem gerado novas tecnologias com potencial para alcançar o mercado. Frente aos desafios impostos ao desenvolvimento de novos fármacos, a utilização de estratégias da Química Farmacêutica Medicinal como a otimização molecular tem importante contribuição na redução das falhas e atritos encontrados durante o processo. Neste curso serão abordadas as ferramentas utilizadas para melhorias nas propriedades físico-químicas, farmacocinéticas e farmacodinâmicas de compostos com aplicação na área farmacêutica. Sob a perspectiva acadêmica serão apresentados os exemplos da utilização dessas estratégias que permitiram o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos.

Short-Course – The lectures will be in Portuguese

Innovation in the academic environment with a focus on molecular optimization

Abstract: The capacity of innovation to transform reality and generate new products and processes is the driving force behind the development and research in the pharmaceutical field. In the academic environment, the innovation explores partnerships with the corporate environment, and the establishment of such association has been able to generate new technologies with the potential to achieve the market. Faced with the challenges imposed on the development of new drugs, the use of Medicinal Chemistry approaches such as molecular optimization has an essential contribution to reducing the failures and friction encountered during the drug development process. In this short course, the tools used to improve the physicochemical, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic properties of small molecules with application in the pharmaceutical area will be discussed. From the academic perspective, examples of the use of these strategies that allowed the development of new drugs will be presented.

Fetal hemoglobin inducers for Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is one of the most common hematological and genetic disease caused by a single mutation in the ?-globin gene, which leads to production of the abnormal hemoglobin S (HbS).  The SCD pathophysiology is complex and multifactorial. At low oxygen tension, erythrocytes containing HbS polymerize and acquire a sickle shape, with exhbits abnormal adhesion to endothelium, culminting to the vaso-occlusion process. In addition, inflammatory process contributes to develop several acute and chronic clinical manifestations. Currently, the few therapeutic options are one of the cruelest faces of this disease. Among the interventional approaches, the increase in fetal hemoglobin levels (HbF) revealed to be a validate strategy. In this lecture, the Medicinal Chemistry of HbF inducers and advances reached by our research group will be discussed in the last years.

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