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Raphael Grougnet obtained a degree in Pharmacy (2000) and M.Sc. degree in Medicinal and Biological Sciences at the Paris Descartes University, France (2000), where he performed a Ph.D. in Pharmacy (2006) under the supervision of Prof. F. Tillequin and S. Mitakou (University of Athens, Greece). Since 2007, Prof. Grougnet is Associate professor at the laboratory of Pharmacognosy, in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University Paris Descartes, France, where he acts in the teaching fields of pharmacognosy, chemical ecology, mycology, botany, and spectroscopy. His research interests includes phytochemistry and natural products chemistry, structural determination, NMR, the extraction, fractionation and isolation by the implementation of techniques with low environmental impact (Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC), and molecular adsorption resin (XAD)), in addition to the development and management of chemical libraries of natural and semisynthetic compounds (polymethoxyflavones; cycloartane, Seco-cycloartane, and dammarane triterpenes, sesquiterpene lactones, etc). He has authored more than 54 papers in International Journals, and since 2014 is a Member of the Office of International Relations of the Faculty of Pharmacy, being co-responsible for cooperation agreements between the Faculties of Pharmacy of the Paris Descartes University and the University of Sao Paulo (Ribeirao Preto, Brazil), and the University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco (Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina). Since 2019, Prof. Grougnet is also a member of the UMR CNRS 8038 board, vice-responsible for the chemistry initiation research program (UMR 2) « Drug structure and conception» and Member of the FB2NP (Franco-Brazilian Network on Natural Products).

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